A Guide to Preparing A Pet-Friendly Feast

A Guide to Preparing A Pet-Friendly Feast

Thanksgiving is a special time of the year when family and friends gather around the table to reminisce and appreciate moments shared, which means making memories with our pets too. While you might be tempted to share the food on the table with your pet, their gut will thank you for following our food safety tips instead. Follow our guide to preparing a pet-friendly feast this year.


Depending on your family’s traditions, you might be planning on baking bread rolls or buttermilk biscuits to kick off the occasion but be careful not to let your pet near the kitchen while the bread is rising. Raw bread dough can be poisonous for pets.

Their gut is a uniquely dark and warm environment that could allow the dough continue to rise, causing severe bloating and abdominal pain. As the yeast in bread dough ferments inside of a pet’s stomach, toxic levels of ethanol could be released into their bloodstream and lead to alcohol toxicosis.

Although feeding your pet small pieces of dry, fully-baked bread won’t harm your pet, it’s best to avoid sharing your Thanksgiving loaf to reduce the risk.

Main Course

A Thanksgiving feast wouldn’t be complete without the aroma of a perfectly roasted turkey but as much as they may love the smell, your turkey dinner shouldn’t be shared. Pets can develop a serious condition called pancreatitis from eating turkey served with fatty gravy, skin and bones.

Fatty foods such as turkey skin and bones are difficult for both dogs and cats to digest. Even small bones can damage their digestive tract and lead to gastrointestinal issues.

To give your pet a taste of turkey that is all-white and free of those fatty fixings, serve them a pet food like Solid Gold Turkey Bone Broth with Pumpkin & Ginger for a nutrient-dense and flavorful addition to your dog’s meal or Solid Gold Triple Layer Pate, Mousse & Shreds with Turkey & Pumpkin for your cat.

Side Dishes

Steamy mashed potatoes and fruit-filled salads are staple side dishes at any family feast. While mashed potatoes aren’t necessarily harmful for dogs or cats, the garlic and onions often added for flavor are unhealthy for them. Vegetables like garlic and onions (including onion powder) can cause damage to red blood cells in their bodies.

The same goes for side salads with added fruits. There are plenty of fruits that are healthy for pets, but other fruits including cherries, grapes, lemons and limes can cause upset stomach or kidney damage. If any of your dishes will include vegetables or fruits that are harmful for pets, make sure not to drop any on the floor where your dog or cat could scoop them up.

Pet-friendly fruits that you can feed your pet on Thanksgiving include cranberries, blueberries, apples, apricots, strawberries, raspberries and pears. You can also feed your pet vegetables such as pumpkin, sweet potatoes, carrots, green beans and peas.


Most of us tend to overindulge during Thanksgiving dinner with pumpkin pies and chocolate cookies that our pets might find tempting but these treats can be harmful for dogs and cats. Many desserts like pies and cakes contain Xylitol, an artificial ingredient that is commonly used in baked goods. This sweetener is fine for people but can be fatal for pets.

Chocolate is also especially harmful for dogs and cats. If consumed, chocolate can cause scary symptoms including vomiting, diarrhea and even seizures.

If you want to give your pet a tasty treat on Thanksgiving, then consider baking your own at home using one our recipes or buy a treat specifically made for your pet like Solid Gold SeaMeal Squeeze Mousse Treats.

Visit your local pet store to speak with a knowledgeable sales associate and find out which diet is right for your pet!

Don’t forget to call ahead to see if any curbside pickup or delivery options are available.

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