Study Shows Dogs Are Tricking You Into Giving Them Treats

Study Shows Dogs Are Tricking You Into Giving Them Treats

We know dogs are smart. They can follow complex instructions, they can guide the blind, and even detect cancer and other disease, but how far do their cognitive abilities actually go? A new s...
Why Fiber Is Important To Indoor Cats

Why Fiber Is Important To Indoor Cats

In the United States, it is becoming more and more common for cats to live exclusively indoors. Not only does this protect them from the dangers of outside living such as cars, predators ...
Canine Psychologist Ranks The 10 Smartest Dog Breeds

Canine Psychologist Ranks The 10 Smartest Dog Breeds

For years, experts have been debating which dog breeds are the smartest—but after years of collecting lengthy surveys from 199 dog-obedience judges, one psychologist may finally have the best...
Can You Guess What Type of Music Dogs Enjoy Most?

Can You Guess What Type of Music Dogs Enjoy Most?

Listening to music is one of the best ways to make yourself feel relaxed, but does music affect pets the same way? Researchers have actually found that dogs are even calmer and happier after they...
The Happiest Pet on Earth: Super Scooty
Pet Tips & Education

The Happiest Pet on Earth: Super Scooty

Scooty’s story begins in the slums of Mexico. She was abandoned and alone since birth, with no one to care for her. If that wasn’t enough, she was hit by a car and left to die when she wa...
Why Your Pet Needs Superfoods
cat food

Why Your Pet Needs Superfoods

We know how great superfoods are for humans, but is there any real benefit to feed them to our furry friends? Superfoods are foods that are naturally packed with nutrients and are widely b...
Why Prebiotics and Probiotics Are Necessary For A Health Pet

Why Prebiotics and Probiotics Are Necessary For A Health Pet

All pets have good and bad bacteria in their digestive system coexisting at all times. But maintaining the right balance can actually help promote better digestive balance and overall wellnes...
This Study Says Your Siblings Like Your Pet More Than You

This Study Says Your Siblings Like Your Pet More Than You

We often joke about how we prefer pets to humans, but a recent study from the University of Cambridge may have proved that it’s true after all. The study found that children actually get more...
Introducing The New Solid Gold Superfeed!

Introducing The New Solid Gold Superfeed!

Welcome to the Solid Gold super feed ! At Solid Gold Pet, we’re committed to helping both pets and their parents be the best they can be. We believe that the foundatio...