Fun & Educational Resources for Pet Parents

bone broth treats
Superfoods Treats with SeaMeal & Bone Broth
We've put together an easy DIY dog treat recipe that your furry friends are
sure to love. You’ll be surprised to learn that not only are these treats
for your pup delicious and fun ...

diy treats
Pumpkin Dog Treats They'll Beg For
Pumpkin season is here! We've put together some easy DIY Pumpkin Treats
using our
SeaMeal supplement
and kibble of your choice.
Check out this fun recipe!

dog food
The Perfect Pupcake For Valentine's Day
What better way to spend your Valentine’s Day than with your fur babies?! We
made some delicious, peanut butter PUPcakes with heart-shaped kibble to
share the love.
New Year, New Us
What a better time to start a wellness journey for you, and your pet, than the
New Year? Join me and my fur babies, Bella and Rusty, as we set ourselves up
for success this year. We will be s...

dog food
Thanksgiving Recipes For Your Pets
The Holiday Season is upon us, and who better to share it with than our fur
babies? They don’t make fun of you for being single (in fact, they may prefer
it that way), won’t say anything abou...

dog food
How to Properly Train Your Pets Using Treats
You just got an adorable new puppy. Now what?
We chatted with a trainer from Warrior Canine Connection, a nonprofit whose
mission revolves around dog training. The organization is unique i...

dog food
Superfoods Chewy Dog Treats Are Here!
Giving your dog treats can be a conflicting situation. On one hand, we want
them to be happy. On the other, we want them to be healthy. Well, there's
finally a way they can be both! Intro...

Study Shows Dogs Are Tricking You Into Giving Them Treats
We know dogs are smart. They can follow complex instructions, they can guide
the blind, and even detect cancer and other disease, but how far do their
cognitive abilities actually go? A new s...